Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hide and Seek

Trying to capture wildlife with essentially a point and shoot camera is very frustrating. Awhile back when looking for possible blackberry picking sites we came across turkeys. I photographed them down the dirt road with the 5x zoom I could use before the photo quality would become grainy. Well needless to say unless you zoomed in on the photo you weren't sure what they were. I drove slowly down the road and the flock scurried across a log right next to me and all I managed to get was the tail end of the last hen in the group. Can you find it?
I don't know why, but I have a love of Herons. While in the shower my husband comes in , "You're never gonna believe this , but there is a heron out back.". I've never have gotten out of the shower so fast in my life! As I stand in a towel dripping wet peering out the back door in awe I'm like, "Dam I lent Kaylee my camera! I've always wanted a picture of a heron, THIS SUCKS!". My husband got within 10 feet or so of it and tried using his cell phone, but it didn't turn out. I hurriedly get clothes on and creep up to my visitor and this crappy shot is what i got- can you find it? I apparently got too close and he took off flying in the opposite direction from which he was facing.

The picture quality was better, I had taken off the zoom, but this was all I could capture. Once again can you find it? I walked up the hill trying to find my friend, but no such luck.

Chipmunks scurried about the forest floor while we were at Cook Forest. This little fella was relatively close and even at 5x's zoom this was all I could capture. Can you find it?

The pond at Griffis Sculpture Park had some fish and I somehow managed to photograph one. My screen looked black when I looked at the water so, taking this picture was an educated guess as the fish swam about. Can you find it?

1 comment:

NikonSniper said...

it took me years to get heron photos. i am actually amazed your cell phone got a photo at all.
great attempt. maybe (s)he'll be back.